NUTRILAC is a quality skimmed milkpowder replacer based on
a high level of milkproducts and a low anti nutritional factor
Sweet wheypowder – delactosed wheypowder
Soya Protein Concentrate – amino acids
Moisture : 5.2 % Lysine : 2.56 %
Crude protein : 37.8 % Methionine : 0.56 %
Crude fat : 1.0 % Meth. + Cyst. : 1.20 %
Crude fibre : 2.5 % Threonine : 1.62 %
Ashes : 7.5 % Tryptophane : 0.50 %
Calcium : 0.7 % Phosphorus : 0.65 %
Sodium : 0.16% Potassium : 1.91 %
Chloride : 0.15% Magnesium : 0.37 %
Lactose : 20.0 % Copper : 12.88 ppm
Digestible crude protein : 36.8 %
Il.dig. lysine pigs : 2.21%
Il.dig. methionine pigs : 0.48%
Il.dig. meth. + cyst. pigs : 0.95%
Il.dig. threonine pigs : 1.30%
Il.dig. tryptophane pigs : 0.42%
5 – 15% in your feed