Xylazine has sedative, analgesic and muscle-relaxing properties.
Contains per ml:
Xylazine base …………………………………………………………………………………………. 20 mg.
Solvents ad……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1 ml.
All cases where sedation is needed, e.g. during transport, parturition, hoof treatment, small operations (e.g. dehorning), and as a pre-anaesthetic for larger operations (caesarian section).
Administration during gestation or to animals with pulmonary and/or cardiac diseases.
Administration to animals with pyometra, since these animals are often hypersensitive to xylazine preparations.
Side effects:
Decreased heart and respiratory rate.
Hypersalivation and vomiting.
During application, keep the animals as quiet and tranquil as possible.
Alpha-adrenergic antagonists such as yohimbine, idazoxan and tolazoline can be used to shorten the sedative effect.
Vial of 50 ml.
Cattle : for intramuscular administration.
‑ dose 1 : 0.25 ml per 100 kg body weight; sedation, small operations.
‑ dose 2 : 0.5 ml per 100 kg body weight; small operations. Animals usually remain
‑ dose 3 : 1 ml per 100 kg body weight; larger operations. Animals lie down.
‑ dose 4 : 1.5 ml per 100 kg body weight; very extensive operations.
Animals have to fast for a couple of hours before administration.
Horses : 4 ml per 100 kg body weight for intravenous administration, or 10 ml per 100 kg body weight for intramuscular administration. With larger operations preferably in
combination with other preparations, e.g. intravenous 4 ml per 100 kg body weight
and halothane or fluothane as intubation narcosis.
Sheep : 0.15 ml per 10 kg body weight for intramuscular administration.
Dogs : 0.15 ml per kg body weight for intramuscular or intravenous administration.
In combination with ketamine: 0.1 ml per kg body weight
and 6 – 10 mg ketamine per kg body weight.
Cats : 0.15 ml per kg body weight for intramuscular or subcutaneous
administration. Same combination as with dogs.
Withdrawal times:
– For meat : 5 days.
– For milk : 4 days.